
Why Are Professional Dental Cleanings So Important?

Good oral health starts with foundational practices such as dental cleanings. According to Harvard Health Publishing, it’s estimated that six in 10 adults have chronic oral disease, which can result in tooth loss. Many of these problems could be avoided…

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How Can Dental Care Fight Sleep Apnea?

Visiting your local dentist and following oral hygiene practices are essential for good oral health. In fact, did you know it could affect other aspects of your health, like sleep? If you’re dealing with sleep apnea, the right dental care…

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What Can I Expect During Sedation Dentistry?

Dental anxiety is a problem that often stops people from getting the dental care they need. It’s estimated that 44% of Americans wish they took better care of their teeth, according to the NY Post. For many of these people,…

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3 Issues Veneers Can Help With and 3 They Can’t

Considering getting dental veneers? These thin pieces of porcelain can transform your smile, but they aren’t a fix for every dental problem. As you learn more about cosmetic dentistry, let’s review some of the ways that veneers can improve your…

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Are You Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever wondered — am I really brushing my teeth properly? If you’re like most folks, you probably think you’ve got your oral hygiene routine down. But there might be some common slip-ups you’re making that…

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3 Interesting Ways to Boost Your Flossing Game

Most people know flossing is important for good oral health, but let’s be honest; it can feel like a chore. According to the National Institutes of Health, during a study, 32% of adults reported not flossing in the past week.…

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3 Warning Signs You May Have Sleep Apnea

Do you ever wake up feeling exhausted, even after a supposedly good night’s sleep? Or perhaps your partner complains about your loud snoring keeping them awake? These could be signs that you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a relatively common…

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Dental Implants and Dentures: Which Am I the Right Candidate For?

If you’re missing teeth, you’re not alone! Luckily, there are plenty of replacement options, including dental implants and dentures. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, nearly 180 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Further, approximately 40 million…

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