3 Things That Can Cause Excessive Mouth Watering

Saliva production is a natural and important part of good oral health. We need it to help protect our teeth from cavities, breakdown food so our stomachs can digest them more easily, and fight off bad breath bacteria. But the…

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What is Sedation Dentistry?

At our dental office in Asheville we take our patients’ comfort very seriously and are dedicated to keeping them calm and relaxed at every appointment. However, there are times when the noise of the drill is a bit too much…

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Could Allergies Affect Your Dental Health?

If you get a stuffy nose when the pollen count is high, every time you’re around a cat, or have an even worse reaction to certain foods, it’s likely you’re suffering from an allergic reaction. The typical symptoms of allergies…

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What’s the Point of Dental X-Rays?

At your bi-annual dental appointments, you most likely have dental x-rays taken. While these images are an important diagnostic tool, just what are they showing and why are they important? At our dental office in Asheville, we don’t want any…

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