5 Resolutions You Should Make for a Healthier Mouth

As we prepare to enter the new year, people all over the world are making resolutions to get healthier. Whether that means going to the gym more often or eating healthier, the team at our Asheville dental office wants to…

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Another Option Besides a Tooth Extraction

So you’ve been told you need to have a tooth extracted. Going through this treatment may even sound appealing if you’ve been suffering from tooth pain. But the team at our dental office in Asheville wants you to know that…

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5 Surprising Things That Destroy Teeth

By now we all know that things such as sugar and smoking can really damage teeth and oral health. But there are several other things out there that are also bad for your smile… some that may even surprise you.…

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Bad Breath Remedies

At our dental office in Asheville, we understand how having bad breath can affect our patients’ lives. We’re commonly asked what causes bad breath in the first place, and more importantly, how to make it go away. In this week’s…

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3 Things That Can Cause Excessive Mouth Watering

Saliva production is a natural and important part of good oral health. We need it to help protect our teeth from cavities, breakdown food so our stomachs can digest them more easily, and fight off bad breath bacteria. But the…

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