4 Flossing Tips to Help You Keep Your Teeth Clean

Good oral hygiene is essential for your overall health. Proper oral hygiene starts with brushing and flossing every day. Many people aren’t flossing correctly, which can result in decay between your teeth, bad breath, and “floss cuts” on your gums.…

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Are You Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever wondered — am I really brushing my teeth properly? If you’re like most folks, you probably think you’ve got your oral hygiene routine down. But there might be some common slip-ups you’re making that…

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3 Interesting Ways to Boost Your Flossing Game

Most people know flossing is important for good oral health, but let’s be honest; it can feel like a chore. According to the National Institutes of Health, during a study, 32% of adults reported not flossing in the past week.…

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4 Things Not to Do When Brushing Your Teeth

We all know the recommendations: brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time. Regardless of how much we hear this, though, it’s reported that one in every five Americans admits they don’t follow this recommendation,…

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How Tooth Loss Affects Your Diet and Nutrition

Missing teeth can be a challenging dental issue to face. It’s estimated that approximately 120 million people in the US are missing at least one tooth, according to the American College of Prosthodontists. Furthermore, about 36 million people don’t have…

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How Common Is Tooth Loss And What Are the Causes?

Tooth loss is extremely common. It’s estimated that nearly 70% of all adults have lost at least one tooth, according to our experts. Now that you know how common it truly is, you may find yourself wondering what causes tooth…

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Why Regular Dental Care Is So Important

Dental care is an important piece of your overall health. Aside from cosmetic reasons, taking care of your teeth has several important health benefits. Let’s take a look at why maintaining your pearly whites is important. Dental Care Is Preventative…

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Why Gum Care is So Important

Healthy gums are crucial to maintaining proper dental hygiene. In fact, they are the foundation for an attractive smile and proper hygiene. When oral health is neglected, the gums are susceptible to complications. Unfortunately, only one out of five Americans…

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